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a not-for-profit, equal educational opportunity institution

This Handbook is a reference manual to provide faculty with general information about relevant school policies and procedures.  It is a supplement and a guide, not a definitive legal document.  The information in this handbook is correct as of the date of publication.  The provisions and the policies contained herein may be modified, substituted, and deleted at any time without notice.

This Handbook is intended to be used in conjunction with the school catalog.  All faculty members are responsible for being familiar with the contents of both documents.







Mission Statement 6

Philosophy. 6

Objectives. 6


An Overview.. 7

Recruiting Practices. 7

Good Teaching Practice. 8

Teaching Responsibilities. 9

Professional Growth. 10

Professional Growth/Annual Professional Development Plan. 10

Research and Responsibilities Outside the Classroom.. 12

Professional Development Policy. 12

Academic Governance. 13

Advising and Tutoring. 13

School Life. 14


Process for Assessing English Language Proficiency. 15

Policy on Retaining  Proficiency and Grade Reports. 15

Policy on Dissemination of Information. 15

Academic Freedom.. 16

Academic Administration. 17

Library. 17

Syllabi 17

Attendance. 17

Teaching Schedules. 18

Grading Procedures. 18

Complaint Procedures. 19

Housekeeping. 20

Smoking Policy. 20

Emergency Procedures. 20

Faculty  Services. 20

“Fair Use” Guidelines for Duplicating Copyrighted Materials. 21


Equal Employment Opportunity. 22

Terms of Employment / Appointment 22

Teaching Load. 22

Course Assignments. 22

Compensation. 22

Length of Employment 23

Employment Condition Changes. 23

Orientation. 23

Evaluation. 23

Faculty. 23

Performance Review Policy for Administrative Staff and Support Staff 24

Resignation. 24

Personnel Grievance Procedures. 24

Access to and Maintenance of Personnel Files. 25

Sexual Harassment 26

Alcohol/Drug Use. 27

Policies and Procedures for Termination. 27


Pension. 28

Tuition Reimbursement 28

Tuition Remission for Dependents. 28

Child Care Leave. 28

Leave of Absence Without Pay. 28

Professional Event Expenses. 29


APPENDIX A Annual Faculty Development Plan/Summary. 30

APPENDIX B Faculty Classroom Observation Report Form.. 31

APPENDIX C Current Student Survey. 33

APPENDIX D Student  Evaluation of Faculty and Courses Form.. 34

APPENDIX E Student  Faculty Form.. 37



Mission Statement

The Spanish-American Institute's mission is to provide effective conversational English language and business skills training to individuals seeking entry-level office employment, job advancement, further studies, personal enjoyment or cultural enrichment.


The Institute serves a largely foreign-born population which faces a double challenge:

ú         to acquire entry-level office skills in keyboarding, accounting, computer operation and

ú         to improve English language ability.

The Institute believes that students who can anticipate progress on both fronts from the start of classes are more likely to begin and to successfully complete training.  Courses and programs at the Spanish-American Institute permit an individual to pursue these two goals simultaneously.


The Institute implements this philosophy through:

ú         the establishment and maintenance of an effective faculty,

ú         the development of business, computer, and language courses and programs, and

ú         the integration of a varied English as a Second Language course sequence.


An Overview

The faculty is the expert professional body charged with devising, developing, and evaluating the academic programs, under the leadership of the Dean of Academic Affairs, who is the chief academic officer, and within the framework of the school's educational mission and goals and fiscal resources.

Membership in the academic profession carries with it responsibilities for the advancement of knowledge, the intellectual growth of students, and the improvement of society.  Each faculty member must order and evaluate his/her activities in terms of his/her commitment to these goals, as well as in terms of his/her personal and professional development.  Moreover, a member of the Spanish-American Institute faculty has a special obligation to understand the nature of this institution, and to appreciate its unique characteristics and its philosophy and objectives. 

Recruiting Practices

The Institute subscribes to and has long adhered to the spirit and letter of the ethical recruiting practices articulated by the Commission on English Language Program Accreditation (CEA).

All Institute personnel are required to "...follow ethical standards for recruiting students and promoting programs".  Institute personnel must  ensure that the Institute's policies and procedures "...are made clear to prospective students and/or  student sponsors.  In any recruitment transaction, the student's interests and well-being must be paramount."

Institute personnel must be sure to avoid misunderstandings "...due to language difficulties, cultural differences or inadequate knowledge of U.S. geography and law."

Faculty Student-Service Associates should be careful to deal directly only with students, their family members or friends.  The Institute does not engage the services of outside recruiters, agents or representatives.  Faculty Student-Service Associates engaged in admissions activities should never consider themselves as "recruiters" for the Institute.  They should first seek to understand who the student is and what the student's objectives are.  With this knowledge, the Faculty Student-Services Associate engaged in admissions activity can explain completely how courses at the Institute may serve the student in moving toward accomplishment of his or her objectives.

Only the President is authorized to engage outside recruiters, contractors or third-party entities for any purpose.  There are in fact no such authorizations.  The Institute does not engage contractor or third-party entities in the admissions or recruitment process.

Faculty Student-Services Associates engaged in admissions activities should provide straightforward, accurate, complete information about the Institute and its courses of study.  They should never glorify or extol.

Good Teaching Practice

Teaching is the primary and central activity of Spanish-American Institute.  The quality of its teaching is the chief determinant of the school's success or failure in fulfilling its mission.  The school endorses the following "Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education," which have been formulated by the American Association of Higher Education:

1.      Good Practice Encourages Student-Faculty Contact.  Frequent student-faculty contact in and out of classes is the most important factor in student motivation and involvement.  Faculty concern helps students get through rough times and keep on working.  Knowing a few faculty members well enhances students' intellectual commitment and encourages them to think about their own values and future plans.

2.      Good Practice Encourages Cooperation Among Students.  Learning is enhanced when it is more like a team effort than a solo race.  Good learning, like good work, is collaborative and social, not competitive and isolated.  Working with others often increases involvement in learning.  Sharing one's own ideas and responding to others' reactions improves thinking and deepens understanding.

3.      Good Practice Encourages Active Learning.  Learning is not a spectator sport.  Students do not learn much just sitting in classes listening to teachers, memorizing pre-packaged assignments, and spitting out answers.  They must talk about what they are learning, write about it, relate it to past experiences, and apply it to their daily lives.  They must make what they learn part of themselves.

4.      Good Practice Gives Prompt Feedback.  Knowing what you know and don't know focuses learning.  Students need appropriate feedback on performance to benefit from courses.  In getting started, students need help in assessing existing knowledge and competence.  In classes, students need frequent opportunities to perform and receive suggestions for improvement.  At various points during school, and at the end, students need chances to reflect on what they have learned, what they still need to know, and how to assess themselves.

5.      Good Practice Emphasizes Time on Task.  Time plus energy equals learning.  There is no substitute for time on task.  Learning to use one's time well is critical for students and professionals alike.  Students need help in learning effective time management.  Allocating realistic amounts of time means effective learning for students and effective teaching for faculty.  How an institution defines time expectations for students, faculty, administrators, and other professional staff can establish the basis for high performance for all.

6.      Good Practice Communicates High Expectations.  Expect more and you will get it.  High expectations are important for everyone--for the poorly prepared, for those unwilling to exert themselves, and for the bright and well motivated.  Expecting students to perform well becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy when teachers and institutions hold high expectations for themselves and make extra efforts.

7.     Good Practice Respects Diverse Talents and Ways of Learning.  There are many roads to learning.  People bring different talents and styles of learning to school.  Brilliant students in the seminar room may be all thumbs in the lab or art studio.  Students rich in hands-on experience may not do so well with theory.  Students need the opportunity to show their talents and learn in ways that work for them.  Then they can be pushed to learning in new ways that do not come so easily.

Teaching Responsibilities

The teaching duties and responsibilities of faculty normally include:

ú        regular and punctual attendance at assigned course hours

ú        careful preparation and planning for instructing assigned classes in accordance with course objectives

ú        prompt correction of examinations and other student work assignments

ú        conduct informal student conferences to review individual student progress

ú        participation in departmental selection of course texts, instructional equipment, library books, and non-print resource materials

ú        participation in departmental development, evaluation and revision of course objectives and outlines, instructional strategies, and systems of evaluation of student learning;

ú        familiarity with and adherence to school academic policies

ú        adherence to administrative procedures governing such things as examinations and grade reports

Faculty members shall show respect for the student as an individual and adhere to their proper role as intellectual guides and counselors.  They shall endeavor to define the objectives of their courses and to devote their teaching to the realization of those objectives.  Faculty members shall make every reasonable effort to foster honest academic conduct and to assure that their evaluations reflect, as nearly as possible, the true merit of the performance of their students.  Faculty members shall avoid any exploitation of students for private advantage and acknowledge significant assistance from them.

Professional Growth

Professional Growth/Annual Professional Development Plan

Faculty members have responsibilities to their discipline and to the advancement of knowledge generally.  To this end, they shall devote their energies to developing and improving their scholarly competence and to remaining informed and knowledgeable about developments in the academic areas to which their teaching assignments relate.

Each faculty member is asked to submit an annual "Professional Development Plan" which details specific professional goals and the means to be employed to attain them.

The accelerating pace of change in technological and other developments that directly affect our programs makes it imperative that our faculty stays abreast of developments in their fields.  They need to know the most current skills needed in the job market today and the equipment and technology used to support those skills.  They must be aware of changing technology and how this will affect the job market in the near future and in the long run.  They must also continually develop their teaching skills by incorporating new techniques, methods, and materials.  To support faculty development, Spanish-American Institute may pay for additional educational training when it relates to approved curricula, as well as provide time for faculty to attend seminars, workshops, and other activities related to professional growth.

To assure that faculty members continue to develop throughout their careers, the following activities and policies have been instituted:

1.      All instructors are encouraged to take courses in education, such as general methodology, teaching methods, curriculum development, educational psychology, educational testing and educational measurement.  The Institute is a member of the Coalition of New York State Career Schools which sponsors State Education Department approved Teacher Training Courses.

2.      Faculty members are encouraged to pursue additional external studies including graduate degrees, technical seminars and programs, computer courses and educational seminars.

3.      Instructors are required to attend faculty meetings which include review of new publications, textbooks, software, and materials.

4.      Instructors are offered in-house training provided by both outside and on‑staff experts.  This allows instructors to obtain technical knowledge and instructional methods of other courses offered at the school and enhances student relations by orienting faculty to the full range of the Institute’s curricula.

5.      The school purchases educational and technical videos, books, and journals.  The school also receives examination copies of new texts and materials from publishers, manufacturers, and suppliers.  All of these materials are shared with the faculty.

6.      Instructors are informed of upcoming technical and educational seminars and conferences and are encouraged to attend.

7.      Instructors are invited to audit Institute courses.

Research and Responsibilities Outside the Classroom

Research and scholarship may include the following activities:

ú        research which leads to the discovery of new knowledge or new applications of existing knowledge

ú        research intended to lead to publication in scholarly journals or books

ú        ongoing reading and research to maintain proficiency and growth in one's field of professional specialization

ú        research intended to lead to the preparation and presentation of a scholarly paper to a professional society, or a paper in one's field of specialization to any group

ú        editing professional journals and serving as a referee of manuscripts that have been submitted to a journal

ú        reviewing texts in one's field of specialization for publishers

ú        holding membership or an office in professional associations

ú        attendance and participation in meetings, conferences, and conventions of professional associations

ú        institution-sponsored research

ú        discipline-connected consultation or discipline-connected community service

ú        other similar activities

Professional Development Policy

SPANISH-AMERICAN INSTITUTE recognizes the value of on-going professional development.  Therefore, we have established three avenues to ensure that our faculty receive and participate in continuous, on-going professional development practices.  First, SPANISH-AMERICAN INSTITUTE holds faculty meetings on Saturdays which attendance is encouraged for all teaching personnel as outlined in the Faculty Handbook.  This is done to ensure that all personnel will be able to attend and participate in these meetings.  The first part of the day is conducted as a regular, business meeting.  However, the second portion of the day is an intensive workshop dedicated to a specific aspect of instruction.  The Institution provides an ESL Professional from the outside to come and conduct the workshop.  Recent workshops included:

ú         Learning Taxonomy—Moving From Lower to Higher Order Language and Thinking Skills

ú         Introduction to the NorthStar Approach

ú         Four Skills Integration and Burning Questions:  Connecting Through Grammar and Theme

ú         Transform the Way You Teach:  Blended Learning.


Secondly, as outlined in the Faculty Handbook, all teaching personnel are required to complete a Faculty Development Plan.  Results of the individual faculty plans provide data for the following year’s summary evaluation, documented by evidence that the previously agreed upon Plan’s goals and objectives have been accomplished.  Faculty meet with the Dean of Academic Affairs to develop the plan, setting professional development goals and objectives.  The Dean maintains the file, along with documentation.  Documentation includes college transcripts, course or workshop certificates, state licenses copies, test completion results for professional licenses or certificates, letters or certificates recognizing participation, and in-house workshop attendance.


Lastly, the institution has provided funds for all teaching personnel to join the New York State TESOL organization.  Through this organization, faculty are able to connect with other ESL Professionals in the state, stay current on best practices in the field and participate in NYS TESOL workshops and conferences.


Academic Governance

The Spanish-American Institute is committed to the principles of academic governance.  These principles have a twofold purpose:

1.     to assure that the faculty participate substantially in all decisions affecting academic matters

2.      to assure that the faculty have a voice in administrative decisions directly affecting them

Faculty members discharge their responsibilities for participation in academic governance largely by means of attendance at faculty meetings.  Attendance at departmental and general faculty meetings is strongly encouraged.

Advising and Tutoring

Instructor may engage in academic counseling, tutoring, or discussion regarding coursework. 

Advisement sessions are informally communicated to students on an “as needed” basis.

Faculty members are urged to remember that they have a responsibility to the whole person and should be sensitive to the stresses and concerns in student's lives outside the classroom.  They are not expected to solve all these problems, but should be prepared to refer appropriate students to a Dean for counseling and referral.

School Life

A school is an institution that extends beyond the bounds of the classroom, and faculty are vital members of that institution.  As such members, faculty may make themselves available to further the institution's goals.  As part of this responsibility, faculty occasionally may:

ú        participate in institutionally sponsored activities to recruit students

ú        coordinate, advise, and supervise student organizations or student activities not directly related to the academic program

ú        advise and counsel students during registration period

ú        attend school-sponsored activities, such student activities, orientation, and open houses


Process for Assessing English Language Proficiency

All English-as-a-Second Language faculty members shall demonstrate English Language Proficiency.


New York State Department of Education requires all faculty to have a New York State license to teach at a registered business school.  In order to obtain a license, In addition to holding a BA or BS degree, applicants must obtain a temporary license.  To do this:

“ . . .A temporary teacher's permit valid for one year, during which time a 30- clock-hour approved course in general teaching methods from a proprietary school association recognized by the commissioner or a three-semester-credit-hour course in general teaching methods from an institution whose programs are registered or recognized by the department shall be completed”. 


After the provisional period, the following is needed for a full license:


“. . . a full teacher's license after completion of two additional 30-clock-hour approved professional education courses from a proprietary school association recognized by the commissioner or three additional semester credit hours in appropriate professional education from an institution whose programs are registered or recognized by the department during the period of validity of the provisional license. Such full teacher's license shall be valid for a period of four years, and a teacher shall apply for the renewal of such teacher's license every four years.”


Based on New York State law, applicants must complete a methods course, and two subsequent courses.  These courses are taken at an approved institution.  In order for teachers to successfully complete these courses, they must demonstrate language proficiency based on the criteria outlined.


Lastly, both the President and the Dean of Academic Affairs interview all prospective candidates.  Through this process language proficiency is assessed informally, if a job offer is made official transcripts and evaluation of foreign credentials are obtained.

Policy on Retaining  Proficiency and Grade Reports

The Institute retains proficiency and grade reports indefinitely with the students permanent records.  The proficiency and grade reports are maintained with student permanent record folders and on electronic media in the SchoolWorks Progress database on site with off site backup.

Policy on Dissemination of Information

The Institute will use, as appropriate,  all reasonable means to communicate policies, procedures, academic status, and updates to the public, students, staff and administration.  This includes email, SMS text messaging, regular post office mail, memos, meetings, school website, social media, bulletin boards and shared network drives.


Students, faculty, staff and administrators for their part will assist in this effort by making every reasonable effort to keep the Institute updated on changes to their e-mail addresses, home addresses, and cell phone and land-line phone numbers.

Academic Freedom

The School adheres to the principles of academic freedom with correlative responsibilities as stated in the 1940 "Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure" jointly formulated by the American Association of University Professors and the Association of American Colleges.

It is the policy of the Board of Trustees that there should prevail at the Spanish-American Institute an atmosphere of freedom and that there should be no political or religious propagandizing in the academic programs.  Academic freedom, however, does not mean academic license.  With freedom there must be responsibility for statements, speeches, and actions.

Academic freedom is essential to the functioning of a school.  It applies to its teaching, research, and public service and involves both faculty and students.  The principle of academic freedom is designed to protect the faculty member's freedom to teach and to conduct research.  It also protects the student's freedom to learn.  Faculty members are responsible for providing students with the same kind of freedom which they claim for themselves, namely, the freedom to consider conflicting views and to make their own evaluation of data, evidence, and doctrines.  Furthermore, faculty members have a responsibility to maintain an atmosphere conducive to intellectual inquiry and rational discussion.  It is not the responsibility of a faculty member in a democracy to indoctrinate his/her students with ready-made conclusions on controversial subjects.  The faculty member is expected to train students to think for themselves, and to provide them access to those materials which they need if they are to think intelligently.  Hence, in giving instruction upon controversial matters the faculty member is expected to be of a fair and judicial mind, and to set forth justly, without suppression or innuendo, the divergent opinions of other investigators.

No faculty member may claim as a right the privilege of discussing in the classroom controversial topics outside his/her own field of study.  The faculty member is morally bound not to take advantage of his/her position by introducing into the classroom provocative discussions of irrelevant subjects not within the field of his/her study.

Academic Administration

The Dean of Academic Affairs is the chief academic officer, reporting directly to the President.  The Dean of Academic Affairs is responsible for all matters related to the curriculum and to the faculty.  The faculty is divided into English, Computer, and Business Departments, each headed by a Chairperson.


It is important that each faculty member be familiar with the resources contained in the Spanish-American Institute Library and work to improve the collection.  The Institute relies upon faculty members for their expertise in determining appropriate books, periodicals, and other learning resources to purchase.  The faculty suggestions are encouraged.

Use of the Library is integral to any school education, not only in support of the academic programs but also to prepare students for a lifetime of learning.  In an information society such as ours, students need to become familiar with the many different sources of information that exist.  Faculty members are therefore urged to assign work to students that requires them to use the Library and other learning resources.


Academic policies applicable to each course, including learning objectives and methods of assessing student achievement, are made explicit by the instructor.  The syllabi make this information available to students.

A syllabus for each course offered at Spanish-American Institute is on file with the Department Chairs,  in the Dean of Academic Affairs’ office, in the Institute’s Library and online at and ESL Course of Study and Curriculum. 

Syllabi are in effect a contract between instructor and student, specifying each party’s responsibilities.  They should be clear and unambiguous.


Good attendance is a critical component of student success and is a factor in the final grade.  It is the policy of the school that students are expected to attend class regularly in every course for which they have registered.  Instructors are required to keep accurate daily attendance records. 

Since even a single day's absence from class may be an indication of problems that could lead to a student's dropping out of school, instructor weekly attendance reports are used to mail Weekly Attendance Alert Letters to each student.  Early intervention may save a student. 

Teaching Schedules

The Dean of Academic Affairs and President in consultation with the Department Chairs and individual faculty determine the courses to be offered.  Individual faculty teaching assignments are then scheduled by the Institute's President.  Effort is made to arrive at mutually satisfactory teaching schedules, but faculty may not unilaterally choose their courses or  times of their courses.

Grading Procedures

The method of assessment for each course is stated in the syllabus.

It is the responsibility of the instructor to assess student progress on an impartial, consistent and fair basis. The instructor is also required to maintain complete, accurate and detailed records of the basis on which each grade was awarded.  All such records must be kept in ink, and must be kept available at all times in the school. 

The following is the grading scale in use at Spanish-American Institute:



FROM      TO




90 100%








80 84%

above average




























new student




Exam Absence


For good cause (and at the discretion of the instructor) extensions may be granted for late submission of required assignments.  In such cases, the student must receive a grade of “Incomplete” .  All missing work must be submitted and graded no later than the first week of the following semester.  All incomplete grades revert to Failure at the beginning of the second week of the next semester.

An application for changing an official grade must be made in writing by the instructor within 60 days of the original submission of grade and must state the reason for the request.  Final determination of that application will be made by the Dean of Academic Affairs.

Complaint Procedures

Students and all employees (including administrative staff) who have concerns, dissatisfactions, or complaints are encouraged to bring them to the Institute's attention as promptly as possible.  Problems involving classroom matters should first be discussed directly with the faculty member involved.  Questions about administrative policies or non-academic matters should be discussed with a Faculty Student-Services Associate.

Concerns unresolved with a Faculty Student-Services Associate may be discussed with a Dean.  Dissatisfactions unresolved with a Dean should be presented to the President, Dante V. Ferraro.

Remaining issues may be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors.  The submission should describe the problem in detail, include any available documentation, and be signed by the student or employee.  The Board will make appropriate inquiries and recommend a resolution within thirty (30) days of receiving the written concern and will notify the student or employee of those findings.

At no time shall a final determination be made by a person or persons directly involved in the complaint itself.  Students and employees are assured that no adverse action will be taken against anyone expressing a concern through this mechanism.

A student or employee who is not satisfied with the Institute's complaint resolution and who has reason to believe that the institution has acted contrary to its published standards or that conditions at the institution appear to jeopardize the quality of the instructional programs or the general welfare of its students may file a written complaint with the New York State Education Department.  Any person who believes he or she has been aggrieved by the institution on or after May 4, 1994, may file a written complaint with the Department within two years of the alleged incident, as follows:

The person should first try to resolve the complaint directly with the institution by following the internal complaint procedures described above.  Copies of all documents and correspondence should be kept.

If a person is unable to resolve the complaint with the institution or believes that the institution has not properly addressed the concerns, he or she may request a complaint form by telephoning the Postsecondary Complaint Registry or writing to the New York Education Department, Postsecondary Complaint Registry, 116 West 32 Street, 14th Floor, New York, NY  10001, 212-643-4760 / Fax: 212-643-4765.

The Postsecondary Complaint Registry Form should be completed, signed and sent to the above address. The completed form should indicate the resolution being sought and any efforts that have been made to resolve the complaint through the institution's internal complaint processes.  Copies of all relevant documents should be included.

After receiving the completed form, the Department will notify the complainant of its receipt and make any necessary request for further information. When appropriate, the Department will also advise the institution that a complaint has been made and, when appropriate, the nature of the complaint.  The complainant will also be notified of the name of the evaluator assigned to address the specific complaint.  The evaluator may contact the complainant for additional information.

The Department will make every effort to address and resolve complaints within ninety days from receipt of the complaint form.

Some complaints may fall within the jurisdiction of an agency or organization other than the State Education Department. These complaints will be referred to the entity with appropriate jurisdiction. When a complaint concerns a matter that falls solely within the jurisdiction of the institution, the complainant will be notified and the Department will refer the complaint to the institution in question and request that the matter receive a review and response.

Upon conclusion of the Department's complaint review or upon the disposition of the complaint by referral to another agency or organization, or to the institution, the Department will issue a written notice to the complainant describing the resolution of the complaint. The complainant may contact the Department evaluator directly for follow-up information or for additional assistance.

In addition, students and employees may contact the Institute’s accrediting body, the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools, 750 First Street, NE, Suite 980, Washington, DC 20002-4242, Telephone:  202-336-6780, Fax: 202-842-2593.


Instructors are responsible for:

ú        maintaining a professional and orderly atmosphere in the classroom,

ú        insuring that the necessary supplies and equipment are available, and

ú        following Institute procedures for reporting equipment in need of repair and for ordering teaching supplies through a Dean or the President..

Smoking Policy

Smoking is not permitted. 

Emergency Procedures

Faculty members should immediately notify the administration of all emergency situations including fire, safety and health.  Every effort should be made to maintain a calm and orderly environment.  Fire alarm boxes are located at each of the exits.  Faculty members should familiarize themselves with the location of all fire extinguishers, alarms and exits.

When an evacuation is necessary an alarm will sound.  Please lead your class in a calm and orderly manner through the nearest exit and proceed out of the building.  Faculty should assemble their student at the nearest, safe location designated by emergency personnel and await further instructions.

Faculty  Services

ú        photocopying: class-related materials may be photocopied for “next-day” use.  Faculty should be careful to respect copyright laws (see “Fair Use” below) and be mindful of budgetary constraints

ú        e-mail addresses: available to each faculty member. It is accessible on the school network or over the Internet

ú        Internet access  on the school’s leased line, DSL/T-1 and WiFi wireless connection is available to all faculty members for professional and school-related purposes

 “Fair Use” Guidelines for Duplicating Copyrighted Materials

The Spanish-American Institute requires faculty to observe the legal restrictions on duplication of copyrighted material in the United States Copyright Law.  The duplication of multiple copies of print and graphic material for classroom use is restricted by the Law's "fair use" guidelines. 

While the Law does not provide an exact measure of the amount of copyrighted material that a faculty member may duplicate without first seeking permission from or making payment to the author or publisher of the copyrighted material, it does provide guidelines restricting the nature and amount of material that may be duplicated and the amount that may be duplicated in any time period. 

The Spanish-American Institute strives to provide teachers and students with comprehensive copyrighted required textbook and workbook materials for all courses.  Faculty are encouraged to maximize the use of school textbooks and workbooks in their classes and to use additional material only when absolutely necessary.  In those instances, The Spanish-American Institute has adopted the following "fair use" requirements for multi-copying of copyrighted material, consistent with standards used at many other postsecondary institutions. 

Faculty members are required to observe the following school copyright policy, whether the material for classroom use is being duplicated by the Spanish-American Institute or by a source outside the school: 

1.       "Consumable works" such as workbook material may never be copied for classroom use.

2.       The same item shall not be duplicated over and over again.

3.       No more than 10% or 1,000 words, whichever is less, of a longer prose work may be duplicated for classroom use.

4.       For all other material, consult with the Dean of Academic Affairs before duplicating multiple copies.  


Equal Employment Opportunity

The school is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not restrict employment, salaries, and access to training because of race, color, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, veteran status, national origin, or qualified handicap.  The school will provide equal opportunities for all qualified individuals in employment policy and practice.

Any employee or applicant for employment who perceives that he/she has been treated discriminatorily on the grounds of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, national origin, physical or mental handicap, or veteran status may consult with or file a written complaint with the President.

Terms of Employment / Appointment

The hiring of new faculty is the responsibility of the President, who will identify positions to be filled, advertise and recruit, and interview candidates.  Hiring is done by the President with the recommendation of the Dean of Academic Affairs and/or Department Chair.

The primary qualification for all faculty  is an appropriate degree from an accredited institution.  Previous teaching experience  is desirable.  All earned degrees must be documented in the faculty member's file by  transcripts.

Teaching Load

The teaching load is mutually agreed to between the teacher and the President at the time a job offer is made.

Course Assignments

Course assignments are mutually agreed to between the President and the faculty member with the recommendation for the Dean of Academic Affairs and/or Department Chair.


The compensation as of September 2013 is $13 per hour.

Length of Employment

The appointment may continue from session to session as mutually agreed between the President and Faculty Member, to meet the needs of the Institute and its students in the best judgment of the President considering such conditions as enrollment, student evaluations, class observations, readiness for class and punctuality.

Employment Condition Changes

When, in the best judgment of the President,  it is in the best interests of the Institute and its students to change the conditions of employment due to changes in enrollment or teacher performance, there will be a conference with the President to discuss the changes.


Each new faculty member receives an extensive orientation from the President, Dean of Academic Affairs and fellow teachers that includes an introduction to the students, faculty, and staff, as well as discussions of the Institute's mission and academic philosophy.  New faculty members receive Institute publications including the school catalog, the Student Handbook, inter-office procedures, a detailed job description, and the Faculty Handbook.  The Faculty Handbook is a comprehensive volume providing all policies and procedures that directly affect faculty members.



The Dean of Academic Affairs evaluates faculty annually. 

The annual evaluation is partially based on classroom observations and student course evaluations. 

After an evaluation conference with the Dean of Academic Affairs, the faculty member signs the school file copy of the evaluation/professional development form and receives a copy of their own.  The evaluation is partially based on classroom and student observations and evaluation a and documented outcomes of the previous year’s professional development plan.

The primary purpose of these evaluations is to help the instructor identify ways in which to improve his or her teaching performance.  The evaluation is used as one of the bases for annual review.

Copies of faculty evaluation forms are included in the Appendix of this Handbook as follows:

ú        APPENDIX A Annual Faculty Development Plan/Summary, on page 29

ú        APPENDIX B Faculty Classroom Observation Report Form, on page 30

ú        APPENDIX C Current Student Survey, on page 31

ú        APPENDIX D Student  Evaluation of Faculty and Courses Form, on page 33

ú        APPENDIX E Student  Faculty Form, on page 36


Performance Review Policy for Administrative Staff and Support Staff

The President, Dean of Student Services and Dean of Administrative Services will review Administrative Staff and Support Staff in a manner similar to that outlined for Faculty above.


Employees should provide as much notice as possible of their decision to resign from employment.  Faculty members are expected to return all school property and materials and to complete and submit all school and student records prior to issuance of final payroll.

Personnel Grievance Procedures

The Institute recognizes the right of employees to express their grievances and to seek a solution concerning disagreements arising from working relationships, working conditions, employment practices, or differences of interpretation of policy that might arise between the Institute and its employees.

The Institute encourages the resolution of grievances on an informal basis whenever possible.

The grievance procedure is not intended to circumvent the normal channels of communications, nor to set aside the "open door policy" for employees established by supervisors and administrators.  However, when a complaint cannot be resolved informally, the school provides for a formal review which will seek a fair and timely resolution.  No employee will be discriminated against because he/she elects to use the formal procedure described below.

Excluded from this policy are complaints concerning:

ú        wages and salaries

ú        termination related to reductions in staffing or to expiration of temporary or externally funded grants or contracts

ú        performance-related dismissals during the probationary period of employment

ú        school statements concerning policies and rules

ú        falsification of application (or resume) for employment and other employment-related documents

All grievances must be initiated within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the action giving rise to the grievance.  Normally, the grievance must first be discussed with the immediate supervisor.  If this does not resolve the situation, a formal written grievance is submitted to a Dean.  The written grievance should:

ú        identify the policy or rule which is alleged to have been violated

ú        contain a concise statement of the facts involved

ú        contain the remedy sought

The Dean  will meet with the individuals involved and reach a decision within ten (10) working days from the date the grievance is filed.  If additional time is needed, the grievant will be notified of the reasons for the delay, and when a reply can be expected.  In the event this does not resolve the issue follow the Institute’s Complaint Procedure.

Access to and Maintenance of Personnel Files

Information in personnel files is regarded as highly confidential and dissemination of information from personnel files is limited so that only those parties authorized by the employee, approved administratively, or legally warranted, receive it.

The individual personnel file includes, among other items, the following:

ú        a copy of the faculty member's letter of employment

ú        documentation of all earned degrees

ú        a curriculum vitae

ú        information relating to the faculty member's academic and professional accomplishments submitted by the faculty member or placed in the file at his/her request

ú        copies of ratings and evaluations of the faculty member's professional performance made by students, peers, and supervisors

ú        signed receipt for the Catalog and the Faculty Handbook

Only such information as is germane to the person's employment with the Institute shall be retained in these files.  Examples of this type of information are:

ú        information pertaining to bona fide occupational qualifications

ú        service on school committees, councils, and task forces

ú        summaries of pre-employment recommendations

ú        behavior and discipline matters

ú        personnel actions such as appointment, change of status, and reappointment

ú        professional development activities

ú        awards, elected offices, service to outside organizations and professional associations

The employee shall have the right to inspect his/her file and to have a copy of any document in the file.

Sexual Harassment

The Institute is committed to maintaining a humane atmosphere in which individuals do not abuse their personal authority or power in interpersonal relationships.  More specifically, the Institute does not condone actions and words which a reasonable person would regard as either gender discrimination or sexual harassment.

Sexual harassment is defined as any continuing pattern unwelcomed sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, which is upsetting or threatening, when

ú        submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment

ú        submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a basis for employment or academic decisions affecting such individual, or

ú        such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's working or learning environment or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment

Complaints of sexual harassment should be made to the immediate supervisor.  Every effort should be made to resolve problems on an informal basis.  Prompt action will be taken on formal complaints, and a finding of sexual harassment will result in appropriate disciplinary action.

New York State Education Law requires that effective September 1, 1991, sexual assault prevention information be disseminated on the campus.  All faculty members should be familiar with the contents of this handbook’s policies and procedures on sexual harassment.

Alcohol/Drug Use

The unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees is prohibited at all times on school premises or as part of any of its activities.  The school is a Drug-Free Workplace as defined by Federal regulations.  Students or employees found violating any local, state, or federal laws regarding the use, possession, or distribution of alcohol or other drugs will be subject to the full legal penalty, in addition to any appropriate school disciplinary action.  A pamphlet titled Information and Details Regarding the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 is available from the President’s Office.

Policies and Procedures for Termination

Faculty and all other employees (including administrative and support staff, referred to in this Faculty Handbook Guide as simply  "faculty")  will generally continue from session to session provided that enrollments are sufficient and that performance meets expectations outlined in this Handbook.  Actions or conduct which may bring the Institute into disrepute may be grounds for termination.  Faculty members will take care to observe the Alcohol/Drug Use, Sexual Harassment, and Professional Expectations policies and procedures outlined in this Handbook.




The Institute sponsors 403(b) employee-funded, tax-deferred pension plans through Chase Manhattan Bank and Manufacturers Life Insurance Company of New York’s Venture Annuity and through TIAA-CREF.  Contributions to the plan are made by payroll deduction.

New faculty members are eligible to participate after six months of employment and may obtain detailed information from the plan coordinator.

Tuition Reimbursement

Subject to fund availability, faculty and staff may request tuition reimbursement for appropriate, college-related professional growth courses.

Tuition Remission for Dependents

Subject to fund availability and space, tuition remission is provided for spouses and for dependent children of full-time employees who have completed one year of service. 

Child Care Leave

A faculty member is responsible for making necessary independent arrangements for year-round childcare.  However, a leave for childcare may be requested.

Any employee (father or mother) may request a leave of absence without pay for infant care.

A leave of absence without pay for the purposes of childcare will not be prejudicial to the professional advancement of the faculty member.

Leave of Absence Without Pay

This policy covers the status of an employee when that employee is absent without pay but continues a relationship with the school.

In general, although a leave of absence is considered a privilege and approval is not automatic, the school does not deny an employee's reasonable request for a leave of absence unless such leave would interfere with the necessary work of the institution.

An unpaid leave of absence may be granted for any of the following reasons:

ú        illness

ú        child care

ú        military obligation

ú        personal business

ú        other purposes necessary to the well-being of the employee and/or otherwise deemed beneficial to the Institute

Leaves shall be for an approved period of time, and employees will normally return to duties similar to their former position.  If the employee must be replaced during the leave period, the school will attempt to reemploy the individual in a comparable position.  If openings for which the employee is qualified are nonexistent, the employee may take a lower-level position temporarily until an equivalent position becomes available; the rate of pay will be commensurate with the level of work performed.

Overstaying a leave of absence without approval or seeking and accepting other employment without previous authorization constitutes an automatic resignation and the loss of the privilege of reinstatement.

A written request for leave must be submitted in advance.

Professional Event Expenses

Faculty members are encouraged to attend off-campus meetings related to professional development and/or to the conduct of official school business with the prior approval of the appropriate supervisor.  Written requests must include the reasons for attendance and estimated expenses.  Requests should be made in a timely fashion and are subject to budgetary constraints.  Well-defined arrangements for the coverage of classes or administrative responsibilities must accompany requests.

Faculty may be reimbursed for PREAPPROVED, reasonable and documented expenses, which may include meals, lodging, transportation, and fees.  Within one week of returning to campus, faculty must file a travel expense report including receipts.

Within two weeks a report must be submitted summarizing the conference or meeting.


APPENDIX A Annual Faculty Development Plan/Summary

Spanish-American Institute

Classroom Teaching Observation


Faculty Member:       

Course & Time:               

Observation Date:      

Number of Students Present: 




Rating Scale:  1=unsatisfactory, 2=needs improvement, 3=satisfactory, 4=very good, 5=excellent, NA/NO-not applicable or not observed









Used content appropriate to the syllabus







Used content appropriate to the lesson







Used content appropriate to the class







Related material to prior knowledge







Provided vocabulary & concept explanations







Demonstrated command of subject matter







Explained items clearly and effectively







Assigned appropriate homework















Explained purpose of lesson clearly







Demonstrated evidence of lesson planning







Engaged class in holistic writing activities







Engaged class in holistic reading activities







Engaged class in holistic listening activities







Engaged class in holistic speaking activities







Used effective transitions







Used active learning strategies







Used varied teaching strategies







Used class time effectively







Discouraged "bitting"







Allowed wait-time for question responses







Involved several students in each question







Used classroom space to enhance learning







Involved everyone in the class







Communicated expectations clearly to students







Collected homework and provided feedback
















Made effective eye contact







Addressed students by name







Encouraged and listened to student questions







Encouraged student interaction







Moved around the classroom







Observed individual student work







Determined when students were confused







Actively helped students who needed assistance







Provided students with positive feedback







Held students' attention







Had good rapport overall with students




















APPENDIX B Faculty Classroom Observation Report Form

Spanish-American Institute

Classroom Teaching Observation










Made effective eye contact







Addressed students by name







Encouraged and listened to student questions







Encouraged student interaction







Moved around the classroom







Observed individual student work







Determined when students were confused







Actively helped students who needed assistance







Provided students with positive feedback







Held students' attention







Had good rapport overall with students























X _____________________________________________                 _____ / _____ / _____

    observer's signature                                                                     date


APPENDIX C Current Student Survey


APPENDIX D Student  Evaluation of Faculty and Courses Form



APPENDIX E Student  Faculty Form


Spanish-American Institute






Course Title:






Week Ending:

Sunday, April xx, 199x


Your opinion is important to us and will be used to help our faculty evaluate and improve its service to our students.

Use the following list to evaluate your experience in this class.

Read each item carefully. 

Circle the number under each statement that best describes your evaluation.

A rating of 5 is the most desirable rating and a rating of 1 is the least desirable.

These forms will be held in strict confidence.

Instructors will be furnished with a composite rating based on all evaluations.








Always Interested

Mildly interested









Well Informed


Poorly informed








Always Prepared

Sometimes prepared










Mildly interesting









Welcomes different Views

Usually tolerant









Always Courteous and Interested

Sometime not courteous

Often Rude








Welcomes Contact

Tolerates Contact










Usually Appropriate



















Interesting and helpful




What was the best thing about this instructor and course?



What area(s) should be improved or changed?



Additional comments




Monday, September 17, 2012